About Us
Carry Me Close Babywearers is a Toronto-based non-profit corporation registered in Ontario, and run exclusively by volunteers. We offer carrying advice on Facebook, and “Babywearing 101” meetings twice a month in Toronto.
Our Board of Directors:
Cate Prichard (President)
Leigh Lahti (Treasurer)*
Becca Grove (Secretary)
Jennifer Lee*
Jill Taylor
Christine Billinger
Currently all members of our Board have completed completed The Canadian Babywearing School’s Babywearing Educator Course, Level I or the Center for Babywearing Studies Foundation Course. Those with an * have also completed Level 2.
Our Objects:
- Providing accessible instruction for parents and other caregivers in the safe and comfortable use of baby carriers according to industry best practices, online and in person.
- Maintaining a carrier library for the purposes of instruction in and promotion of the use of baby carriers.
- Supporting public health by advocating for the normalized use of baby carriers as part of mainstream infant care practices.
- Advocating to include babywearing and babywearing education in policy discussions surrounding public heath and infant/child care.
- Providing support for the training of babywearing educators.twice